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Locais a visitar na internet
ADO Code Examples in Microsoft Visual Basic
Extensible Markup Language (XML)
Extensible Markup Language Version 1.0 Part I Syntax
Open and Close Methods Example (VB) XML From the Inside Out -- XML development, XML resources, XML specifications
ACTIVE Information - ISO 9000 Compliance Checklists - ISO 9000 Software
BS 7799 Taxonomy of Reference Documents
Buy Products -- Customer Profile
Certipor - Sociedade Portuguesa de Certificados Digitais, S.A.
Cisco Secure PIX Firewall FTP Vulnerability
Global Information Assurance Certification
Guide to Enabling Secure Payment Processing on Your Site
MCSE Braindumps, all you'll ever need to get certified!
NIST Computer Security Special Publications
Vigias - The Web Information Company
ANACOM - Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações
EUROPA - MISSOC - Comparative Tables on Social Protection in the Member States
Guideline Menu - NSW Department of Commerce da Australia
IASB - International Accounting Standards Board
IASPlus Home Page - News about International Financial Reporting
IFAC - The International Federation of Accountants
ISACA Chapter Seminar Schedule by Location
ISO 17799 - The Information Directory for ISO17799
Office of the Auditor General of Canada - Bureau du vérificateur général du Canada
Pleier Corporation - ADM PLUS Audit Management System, CD-DVD production, Web design, multimedia.
Rational Unified Process - Metodologia
Regras AntiSPAM - Pathway Communications
SCRIPTS VMware -- Virtual Computing Throughout the Enterprise
SPAMM Pew Internet & American Life Project
Symantec Security Response - W32.Klez Removal Tool
The United States General Accounting Office
UK National Audit Office home page
What is monte carlo simulation
Win32 Scripting.... Everything you need to get up and running
Word of Mouth Connection - A Background Research Tool